Blood Belongs In The Body… It’s Science! (Podcast – Season 4, Ballistic Radio Episode 153, March 13th, 2016)

“Blood belongs in the body.. It’s science.” — Kerry Davis


It’s the first episode of Season Four and Ballistic Radio is kicking it off with a bloody good show! Kerry Davis from Dark Angel Medical joins John and JackJack to talk about the importance of medical gear, how it’s used and the common myths surrounding its use. Kerry tells us the gear we should be carrying and how we can find resources to learn how to use it as well as illustrates the ways that it has already saved lives. He describes how he keeps his medical kit on his person every day and how you can, too.

Do you “dry-fire” your tourniquet? Do you have a training tourniquet? You should!

John asks about common myths in the medical community for treating gunshot wounds.  Should you carry tampons in your medical kit? Is there a risk to limbs with using tourniquets? Should you carry a tension pneumothorax decompression needle? Why does John deserve a cookie? Find out on this season four premiere.

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