How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall? (Podcast – Season 4, Ballistic Radio Episode 176, August 28th, 2016)

“Gunfights are won years in advance. They are won on the range, by yourself, in 105-degree weather working on your draw.” — John Chapman


Tonight, John Chapman (aka Chappy), is here to talk about YOU, the student! He’s here to help you identify how you can get the most out of your classes and how to make a training plan to guide you in where to put your resources when it comes to training. Chappy defines and identifies individual missions and explains terminology to help you understand what you are learning and how to apply it.

There’s some great wisdom for instructors as well!

You also won’t want to miss hearing Chappy threaten to punch John in the face and talk about some of the neat projects coming out of Raven Concealment. Take a listen!

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