Untitled Facebook User Episode (Podcast – Season 5, Ballistic Radio Episode 226, October 1st, 2017)

“Selecting stuff because you have a use for it vs ‘Wow, this is this neat thing that other people are doing,’ that’s kind of important here.” — John Johnston


You asked. We answered! It’s another Facebook User episode where we take your questions, submitted on the Ballistic Radio Facebook page and answer them on air.

In this episode you asked about aftermarket triggers for striker-fired guns, fiber optic sights and how they pick up light in different lighting conditions, polymer knives and so much more. John and Melody answers questions about shooting with poor eyesight, apps to help you navigate interstate travel and remain legal as well as whether magazine wells on carry guns are a good idea.

Don’t miss the fun and don’t forget to submit your questions on Facebook for the next user episode!

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