Full Pincus (Podcast – Season 4, Ballistic Radio Episode 184, October 23rd, 2016)

“I think a big part of [advocating for gun rights] is education and education through discussion, through classic argument–logical discussions of points starting from a common ground or a shared premise is really how we get there.” — Rob Pincus


With the election right around the corner tensions are high and debates about who should have guns in their lives and under what restrictions makes for lively conversations across many holiday tables and social media pages. Rob Pincus from Personal Defense Network joins Ballistic Radio to talk about engaging those in your life who may not feel the same way you do about guns.

In this episode Pincus discusses why he chooses to discuss firearms with anti-gun media sources and individuals and how he engages them to have positive interactions. He covers some of the common pitfalls in conversations that leave people feeling combative instead of receptive.

If you’ve ever wanted pointers on how to have a productive conversation with someone who may be teetering on the anti-gun fence, then this is the episode for you.

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